Saturday, June 11, 2016

A reminder lesson while working

All my presumptions flipped on its' ass. And my head hung a little low. I am reminded of a core lesson.

Today I photographed for an interior designer repeat client. I love this client and knew this was going to be a treat. The apartment was located on West End Ave. Upon entering, what was only the 8th floor, this place was huge. Meticulously designed with gorgeous antique collectible furniture spacious high ceiling beautiful rooms. Immediately, as most would, my guards went up, and my presumptions unraveled with flying colors. Owners are Privileged. Snooty. Wealthy. Overrated. Offices. House keepers quarters. Full service building. The works. It was that type of place. I met the woman of the house and she was personable and courteous, and very proud. But I still had my judgements... and it was bothering me. I dont like to judge. But it happens.

So when the owner stepped out to the gym, I asked my client... "What do they do?"

'She was a marketing exec. But about 10 years ago, Em had stage 4 cancer. She was outright told to get her affairs in order. She refused. She tried every type of treatment available and possible. From chemo to crystal healing. And everywhere she went her practioners told her "We can try but just in case, get your affairs in order". She didn't give up. She fought for her life, literally. And she won. In fact, on the last day of her chemo, she went from the hospital to a 10k run. After defeating her cancer she left her marketing job life, and is now a therapist to people who are suffering life threatening last stage diseases.'

All my presumptions flipped on its' ass. And my head hung a little low. Boy, did I judge.
 I shook this woman's hand. She was tiny and slim but her handshake was like a mans. I could feel her feistiness. I could feel her strength. And after learning her story, I was grateful for those split seconds of energy she transferred to me through our encounter.
 That pride I felt... of course! Totally agree.

I share this because so many take the time out to share stories of people they don't know. Celebs, politicians, movie stars, and the latest exposed shocking criminal.
 But I wonder how many of us would stumble upon true heros, true inspiration, if we only took the time to ask someone about themselves and actually listened.

Would you share and celebrate (even if it's privately) the life of a person who fought tougher battles than any Internet celeb we know... because Em.. and her likes are the ones we should be writing about. Even if it's simply to give someone else who happens to be fighting a similar battle a little faith.

My reminder lesson: Don't judge. Even when it doesn't appear so, even when things look all magical and perfect, you never know the battles another person is fighting...or has fought.

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