Friday, July 8, 2016

#AltonSterling ‪#‎PhilandoCastile‬

I am trying REALLY hard to go about my business while making sense of all this because in a few hours I have to have a talk about it with the Children. I have yet to share or explain any of this to our Children because I'm not the "Oh, there are big bad scary people in the world that do really mean things, just ignore what you see" type of parent. Or some parents have suggested to "shut of all TV and internet until this passes over". That's ridiculous to me. 
Our truth is, we are Parents of a teenage Son and a 10 year old Daughter in a social media time. We are Parents who are active visitors of the community spaces in our neighborhood, and we live in an urban area, this doesn't just pass over. Where sirens are normal, those blue and red lights are every day, and being pulled over on the way to the grocery store is typical, this is real ALL THE TIME. And it's scary. 
But what's more scary is the ugliness, the ignorance, the pure hate that's been on my feed all day, and all night, and all day again. The incomprehensible acts of violence & revenge is hard to take in or even accept. But the amount of pure stupidity that's ravaging MY GENERATION turns my stomach. 
Those that are "shocked" by whats going on, really? You're shocked? Shame on you. Because there are neighborhoods that live through this every single day STILL and not a damn care is given until you see it on your news feed. The ONLY reason we know of these tragic circumstances is because of social media, but truth indeed this has been and will continue to occur for a long time. 
My only hope is that somehow, we come together, as a people, and support each other, build, help, encourage, teach, and nurture. Because as it stands right now, we are failing -> Putting each other down, posting outrageous videos (and watching) on World Star as PROOF that we are disrespecting our Women, raising irresponsible Men, idolizing things and curated celebrities, giving ALL of our money to those that want to keep us 'poor', celebrating in histories that slaughtered those before us... THEY are laughing at us. Because it's exactly what THEY want. 
None of this makes us stronger, wiser, or even capable to breed the next generation of fighters, of activists, of Juniperos, Ms Baez's, Macolm Xs, Dr Kings, Mrs Parks, Mandelas. Because our Childrens' world is going to need a whole lot of them in order to make a dent in this bullshit that's going on. We - as a generation - we need a spiritual detox. We need to stop supporting the crap that's meant to keep us under. We need to stop BUYING into all that's being created to keep us at status quo. And we need, for heavens sake, we need to have honest conversations with our children about what's happening now, on how to respect one another, how to be compassionate and understanding, how to STAND UP for one another. Because we sure as hell aren't doing that for ourselves. 
We have the power of a world wide network, and what do we do with the Internet? Spread the bullshit even further.
If we can raise a better generation of children, perhaps we can raise a more intelligent people, a more intelligent policing system, a more intelligent governing structure, a more Courageous group of human beings, a more spiritual and conscious persons, that will finally put an end, or at least strike an improvement to all the sadness that we live in. 
Perhaps I am just wishfully thinking, but look at your news feed... What else is there to do? Just bypass THOSE updates, right?! 
We failed, miserably. But they don't have to. 
Now let me get back to figuring out how to explain to a 13 yr old and 10 year old that a man was killed while being pulled over for a broken tail light (something we've been pulled over for), another man was killed while out selling CDs (something our neighbor does), and 5 others were killed because the world was mad about it all, and didn't know how else to respond (we get mad all the time!). But we should never be worried about any of those things happening to us. (?!?!?) 
You know what they're going to say?
That Our country needs a fkn time out.

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